Hi there, Nancy here. What brings me here today is an intense motivation to help others…to facilitate change, to create a community of like-minded people who want to do things differently.

Why me? Despite my many challenges and obstacles, after seven decades on this planet (still can’t believe that, as I type it) … I can honestly say, I’ve had a great life. I haven’t let the hardships define me but instead acknowledge them as lessons that impacted my life and gave me the opportunity to change the direction life was taking me.

If we haven’t connected personally yet, here’s a bit of my story:

I spent most of my working life in various roles in education…teaching, counseling, administrating Pre-K through college. Outside of education, I also worked in a hospital, in a career rehabilitation agency and as a litigation investigator for an insurance company.  Sort of random but each role gifted me a skillset in my tool belt of widespread experiences. 

When I should have thought about retiring, I decided to get my doctorate degree in leadership and policy analysis instead. It was a massive undertaking for sure….but between the teaching, counseling, administration and policy, I think I garnered a wide spectrum of experience dealing with just about any and every scenario and personality.

I did end up ‘retiring’ in Utah just to turn around and start working again in Hawai’i for an additional seven years. Finally after a collective 48 years in education, I actually retired (for the second time) just prior to the pandemic and for that, I am deeply thankful. 

During the pandemic, I was mostly alone on a remote, rural island in the Pacific Ocean.  You think about isolation…well, it truly was.  I remember after about 3 months of shelter-in-place and nearly total isolation, they lifted the shelter restriction and I ventured out. 

Only essential workers or those needing food, medical help, or gas were allowed in the community.  I literally had not left my property, so I decided to just go for a drive. On the Big Island of Hawai’i, having few stores and no large malls, I drove into the parking lot of a strip mall where there was a Macy’s and the local theater.  It was like being on the set of a vacant movie lot. 

Businesses were boarded up, no cars in the parking lot or on the road, and no people.  No sign of life.  Like a Stephen King novel. I would say a third to a half of the small businesses had closed, most of them permanently.  It was very sad and I felt so alone.

As the months went on with no social interaction, I turned to the computer and took several classes and read lots of articles. In doing so, I realized how many other people were turning to online self-education classes for a multitude of reasons and how nourishing this space could be.

Lightbulb. It made me wonder how I could be of service and although retired from education, continue to share my guidance and insight in a different capacity. I decided to do something to help people deal with the current situation, the ramifications resulting from the pandemic, and the life altering events that occurred to a very large population. People were suffering and needed support. I wanted to be of help and I also desperately needed something to keep my body and brain engaged and productive. I definitely do not do well as a “couch potato.” 

I decided to focus on serving women, specifically women over 50, but welcoming anyone who needed help. You may wonder, why women over 50?  I think for women in their fifth decade of life, it can be overwhelming navigating the difficult decisions and transformations that unfold in this season… I’ve witnessed clients, peers and loved ones move through divorce, death of a spouse, losing their job or being forced to change careers late in life, empty nesting, financial fears, traveling alone, finding joy after devastating loss, or just aging in general. 

My dear friend of over 35 years, Becca – who I will be working in collaboration with for many offerings from this newly imagined ‘Reigniting Your Life’ brand – and I have collectively gone through a lot in our lives to include nearly all those examples I just gave. We supported, encouraged and motivated each other over the years and helped each other through a multitude of crises. 

We navigated through the tough times, the uncharted waters, and maintained dignity, grace, and a positive sense of self while learning to be joyful, grateful, inspired and live vibrant lives!  So too can you! It’s my honor to share from my experience, both professional and personal, and offer any insight, tools or nuggets of wisdom I have accrued with the intention of offering you support, encouragement and more likely than not, a laugh. It is the best medicine after all! It’s time to get inspired and re-invent, re-ignite or re-define your life.  If this resonates with you, I look forward to connecting with you. Please visit our offerings page.

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